Wow! Not only did we reach the national finals in the Independent Takeaway 2017, we’re now UK Top Ten Winners at the National Fish and Chip Awards – as well as top of the shops in Wales – and we want to celebrate, with you! Over the next ten weeks, we’ll be giving away lots of lovely prizes and offers so make sure you check in here and via our Facebook (@hennighanstopshop) page for all the information you need.
We’re so proud to be in the finals of the National Fish and Chip Awards and are excited to be flying the flag for Wales at the awards on January 26th 2017 in London, where the winner will be announced. We have all our Hennighan’s fingers crossed. Seafish has been recognising and rewarding fish and chip businesses across the UK for 29 years now, yet the significance of these awards go deeper by supporting the wider fish frying trade, raising quality standards and providing a benchmark for businesses to aspire to.
We love serving fish and chips and we reckon we have the best customers in the UK so we would also like to say a big thanks to all of you as without you, this wouldn’t be possible. But for now, back to our celebrations… a full list of all the prizes and specials we’ll be offering over the next ten weeks as we count down to the finals will be revealed shortly. We hope you can join in and celebrate with us!